The Sins

So, your probably like me. You like the sims and if you don't then go to hell. So it started when I got the Sims 4... but after my experience I call it The Sins 4. So I had made a new family, it had a grandma, the two parents and 4
children. The grandma's name was Margaret, The dad's name Bill, The mother's name Rose, one of the female children Lizzy, the other female child Susie, the two male children's names were Riley and Sven.
The family was normal for the first week (In Sim Time) but one day I saw something peculiar... Lizzy was eating a pile of shit straight out of the toilet. I said to myself "Wtf sims don't do that!" And Sven walked into the bathroom and spanked her with his erected penis.
"WTF?!?!" I shouted as Margaret walked into the bathroom because of all the commotion, she was horrified. Then Sven and Lizzy looked at me through the screen and said in sync with each other "666.death.moc" I was like wtf and I turned of the Sims and went to go check out the website.
On the website I saw in huge red bold letters saying "WELCOME TO THE SINS 4" With a black background. I wtfed some more and then a bunch of porn popped up with Anna and Elsa and a blood curdling scream let out and my computer shut off.
I ran upstairs and locked my door and a skeleton popped out. My computer then appeared next to me with the Sims 4 already playing, I then hesitantly started playing. Everything was back to normal, and Bill got back from work and brought home $666. "Okay, that could not of been a coincidence" I said to myself. Evil Kim Jong Un came out of nowhere in the game and fucked Bill in the ass and Kim looked like he was completely evil.
Bill then died and I wtfed some more. Riley and Sven were playing together and Sven threw a building block that they were playing with at Riley's head and blood spewed out of his head, the building block was stuck in Riley's head. He started wailing and he died.
I then determined Sven was evil... but he was only two years old. But before I did anything to Sven his mother, Rose put him in the oven and set the oven to 600 degrees. Inside the oven there was a burst of flames. I made Rose open it and there was a pile of ashes. Spingebill then came out of nowhere with his small latte (reference to my troll pasta 'Spingebill Orders a Large Cappuccino but gets a Small Latte'.) and fucked Rose in the ass really
hard and she died.
Spingebill then ripped all of his clothes off and his dick grew to be 3 miles. Kim Jong Un then murdered Spingebill and called his government to bomb the US. Then Ironman saved us from the bomb and Hitler killed Kim Jong Un.
That left Margaret, Lizzy, and Susie. Susie then pulled out a butchers knife and stabbed Margaret repeatedly, Lizzy then ran to the phone and called 911 and Lizzy ripped of her clothes and Susie and Lizzy had sex and they killed each other and my computer shut off with text saying...
My computer then shut down and it would never turn on again, and then a boulder came out of nowhere and crushed me to death and now i'm died.